słownik Francusko-Angielski »

procession w języku angielskim

procession nom {f}

procession [processions]◼◼◼(act of progressing or proceeding)
[UK: prə.ˈseʃ.n̩] [US: prə.ˈseʃ.n̩]
He craned his neck to see the procession. = Il a tendu le cou pour voir la procession.

procession [processions]◼◼◼(group of people or thing moving along in an orderly manner)
[UK: prə.ˈseʃ.n̩] [US: prə.ˈseʃ.n̩]
He craned his neck to see the procession. = Il a tendu le cou pour voir la procession.