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poumon w języku angielskim

poumon nom {m}

lung [lungs]◼◼◼(organ that extracts oxygen from the air)
[UK: lʌŋ] [US: ˈləŋ]
My lungs hurt. = J'ai mal aux poumons.

poumon d'acier nom {m}

iron lung [iron lungs]◼◼◼(a pneumonic device for assisted breathing)
[UK: ˈaɪən.lʌŋ] [US: ˈaɪən.lʌŋ]

cancer du poumon nom {m}

lung cancer [lung cancers]◼◼◼(cancer of the lung(s))
[UK: lʌŋ ˈkæn.sə(r)] [US: ˈləŋ ˈkæn.sər]

à pleins poumons preposition

at the top of one's lungspreposition

at the top of one's voicepreposition
[UK: ət ðə tɒp əv wʌnz vɔɪs] [US: ət ðə ˈtɑːp əv wʌnz ˌvɔɪs]

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