słownik Francusko-Angielski »

-e w języku angielskim

-cyte {m}

-cyte(cell names and classifications)

-drome {m}


-gamie nom {f}

-gamy(describing forms of marriage)

-gate {m}

-gate◼◼◼(component in names of scandals)


-gen(producer of something)




-gone {m}

-gon◼◼◼(plane figure)

-gonie nom {f}



-gram(something written)


-graph(something related to writing etc.)


-able(able to be done)
[UK: ˈeɪb.l̩] [US: ˈeɪb.l̩]

-ible(able to be done)

-ide {m}

-ide◼◼◼(any of a group of related compounds)

-ide◼◼◼(any of a group of several elements)

-ie nom {f}

-land(territory, country or region (suffix))


-th◼◼◼(used to form the ordinal numeral)


-ian(belonging to)

-ian(having a profession)

-ian(related to)

-if {m}

-ive(adjectival suffix: of the nature of; tending to)




-ify(to produce verbs meaning to make)




-illion◼◼◼(suffix forming names of powers of a million or of a thousand greater than 1,000,000)

-in {m}

-like(having some of the characteristics of (used to form adjectives from nouns))


-y(forming diminutive nouns)
[UK: waɪ] [US: ˈwaɪ]

-ine nom {f}

-like(having some of the characteristics of (used to form adjectives from nouns))


-y(forming diminutive nouns)
[UK: waɪ] [US: ˈwaɪ]


-ic(Note: these translations are a guide only. For more precise translations, see individual words ending in -ic)

-ics(fields of knowledge or practice)

-ir [3rd conjugation] participle

[UK: tuː] [US: ˈtuː]


-ization(act, process, or result of doing something)


-ize(suffix used to form verbs)

-isme {m}

-ism◼◼◼(a principle, belief or movement)
[UK: ˈɪ.zəm] [US: ˈɪ.zəm]

-iste {m} {f}

-ist◼◼◼(A member of a profession or one interested in something)

-ist◼◼◼(A person who holds biased views)

-ist◼◼◼(A person who uses something)


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