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what does ... mean w języku polskim

mean adjective
having the mean as its value


mean verb
to convey, indicate


mean verb
to have intentions of some kind


mean verb
to intend to express, to imply, to hint at, to allude

mieć na myśliverb

mean verb
to intend; plan on doing


mean verb
to result in; bring about


mean verb
to signify


mean business verb

nie żartowaćverb

mean well verb
do with a positive intention

chcieć dobrzeverb

geometric mean noun
measure of central tendency

średnia geometrycznanoun

arithmetic mean noun
measure of central tendency

średnia arytmetycznanoun

golden mean noun
balance between excess and deficiency

złoty środeknoun

I mean delaying filler


no wiesz

to znaczy

I mean indicating approximation or uncertainty

no wiesz

to znaczy

znaczy się

I mean mild intensifier

no wiesz

harmonic mean noun
type of average

średnia harmonicznanoun

weighted mean noun
average calculated after biasing values

średnia ważonanoun

root mean square noun
type of average

średnia kwadratowanoun

in the mean time


how do you mean a request for clarification of what the listener just said

co masz na myśli?

what doesmean what does … mean?

co oznacza …?

what do you mean what do you mean? (request for clarification)

co masz na myśli

o co chodzi

if you know what I mean used to allude to something unsaid or hinted at

jeśli wiesz, co mam na myśli