słownik Angielsko-Polski »

their w języku polskim

their determiner
belonging to them (plural)


theirs pronoun
that which belongs to them


beat someone at their own game verb

bić własną broniąverb

pobić własną broniąverb

leave someone to their own devices verb
to leave alone, unsupervised, without assistance

pozostawiać samemu sobieverb

pozostawić samemu sobieverb

put someone in their place verb
to remind someone of his position


stop someone in their tracks verb



take someone at their word verb
believe someone without having the means to check that what they said is true

uwierzyć na słowoverb

wierzyć na słowoverb

take someone at their word verb
take someone literally even though they may not have been serious

potraktować poważnieverb

traktować poważnieverb