Angielski | Francuski |
cook [cooked, cooking, cooks] (to prepare food for eating) verb [UK: kʊk] [US: ˈkʊk] | cuisiner (prepare food including heating)◼◼◼verbeCook for me. = Cuisine pour moi. cuire or faire cuire (apply heat to specific foodstuff)verbe |
cook [cooked, cooking, cooks] (colloquial: to be uncomfortably hot) verb [UK: kʊk] [US: ˈkʊk] | cuire◼◼◼verbeCook the rice. = Cuisez le riz. |
cook [cooked, cooking, cooks] (to become ready for eating) verb [UK: kʊk] [US: ˈkʊk] | cuire◼◼◼verbeCook the rice. = Cuisez le riz. |
cook [cooks] (person who prepares food) noun [UK: kʊk] [US: ˈkʊk] | cuisinier◼◼◼nom {m}I'm a cook. = Je suis cuisinier. chef◼◼◻nom {m}I want to be a pastry cook. = Je veux être un chef pâtissier. cuisinière◼◼◻nom {f}You are a good cook. = Tu es bonne cuisinière. cuistot [colloquial]◼◼◻nom {m} |
Cook Islander (person from the Cook Islands) noun | Cookiennom |
Cook Islands (self-governing country in Oceania) proper noun [UK: kʊk ˈaɪ.ləndz] [US: ˈkʊk ˈaɪ.ləndz] | îles Cook◼◼◼nom propre |
cookbook [cookbooks] (book of cooking recipes) noun [UK: ˈkʊk.bʊk] [US: ˈkʊk.ˌbʊk] | livre de cuisine◼◼◼nom {m} |
cooked (of food, that has been prepared by cooking) adjective [UK: kʊkt] [US: ˈkʊkt] | cuit◼◼◼adjectifThe chicken is cooked. = Le poulet est cuit. |
cookie [cookies] (sweet baked good (as in the previous sense) which has chocolate chips, fruit, nuts etc. baked into it) noun [UK: ˈkʊk.i] [US: ˈkʊk.i] | cookie◼◼◼nom {m} |
cookie [cookies] (small, flat baked good, see also: biscuit) noun [UK: ˈkʊk.i] [US: ˈkʊk.i] | biscuit◼◼◻nom {m}Take a cookie. = Prends un biscuit ! |
cookie [cookies] (slang: female genitalia) noun [UK: ˈkʊk.i] [US: ˈkʊk.i] | moule◼◻◻nom {f} motte◼◻◻nom {f} chatte◼◻◻nom {f} |
cookie [cookies] (young, attractive woman) noun [UK: ˈkʊk.i] [US: ˈkʊk.i] | poupée◼◻◻nom {f} |
cookie cutter (a device used to cut flattened dough into shapes before baking) noun [UK: ˈkʊk.i ˈkʌ.tə(r)] [US: ˈkʊk.i ˈkʌ.tər] | emporte-pièce◼◼◼nom {m} |
Cookie Monster (Sesame Street character) proper noun | Macaron le glouton◼◼◼nom propre |
cookiecutter shark (Isistius brasiliensis) noun | squalelet féroce◼◼◼nom {m} |
cooking (the process of preparing food by using heat) noun [UK: ˈkʊkɪŋ] [US: ˈkʊkɪŋ] | cuisine◼◼◼nom {f}John is cooking. = John cuisine. |
cooking (the style or genre of food preparation; cookery; cuisine) noun [UK: ˈkʊkɪŋ] [US: ˈkʊkɪŋ] | art culinaire◼◻◻nom {m} |
cooking apple (apple primarily used for making pies, crumbles or sauces) noun | pomme à cuire◼◼◼nom {f} pomme à étuvernom {f} |
cooking oil (purified fat) noun [UK: ˈkʊkɪŋ ɔɪl] [US: ˈkʊkɪŋ ˌɔɪl] | huile de cuisson◼◼◼nom {f} |
cooking pot (any cooking vessel) noun [UK: ˈkʊkɪŋ pɒt] [US: ˈkʊkɪŋ ˈpɑːt] | marmite◼◼◼nom {f} casserole◼◼◼nom {f} faitout◼◻◻nom {m} |
fortune cookie (snack) noun [UK: ˈfɔː.tʃuːn ˈkʊk.i] [US: ˈfɔːr.tʃən ˈkʊk.i] | biscuit chinois◼◼◼nom biscuit porte-bonheur◼◻◻nom |
goose is cooked (all hope is gone) phrase | les carottes sont cuites◼◼◼phrase |
HTTP cookie (packet of information) noun | cookie◼◼◼nom {m} [Canada] témoinnom {m} cafteurnom {m} |
overcook [overcooked, overcooking, overcooks] (cook for too long, see also: overdo) verb [UK: ˌəʊv.əˈkʊk] [US: ˌoʊv.ə.ˈkʊk] | surcuire◼◼◼verbe |
overcooked (cooked for too long) adjective [UK: ˌəʊv.əˈkʊkt] [US: ˌoʊv.ə.ˈkʊkt] | trop cuit◼◼◼adjectif |
pressure cooker (cooking vessel) noun [UK: ˈpre.ʃə(r) ˈkʊkə(r)] [US: ˈpre.ʃər ˈkʊkər] | autocuiseur◼◼◼nom {m} cocotte-minute◼◼◻nom {f} marmite à pression◼◼◻nom {m} |