Polsk-Engelsk ordbok »

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cowieku interjection

an interjection used to place emphasis upon something or someone

dając cowiekowi rybę - karmisz go na jeden dzień; dając cowiekowi wędkę - karmisz go na całe życie.

give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetimemore worthwhile to teach someone than do it for them

dobry i y glina noun

good cop bad copnoun
Psychological tactic

dobry i y policjant noun

good cop bad copnoun
Psychological tactic

dopóki śmierć nas nie roączy adverb

till death do us partadverb
phrase said as part of wedding vows indicating commitment

duch przysych świąt Bożego Narodzenia noun

Ghost of Christmas Yet to Comenoun
the fictional ghost

dwa a nie czynią dobra

two wrongs don't make a righta wrongful action is not a morally appropriate way to correct or cancel a previous wrongful action



fasola ota noun

mung beannoun
seed of Vigna radiata

folia ota noun


gold leafnoun
gold beaten into a thin sheet

gdy się cowiek spieszy, to się diabeł cieszy

haste makes wastebeing too hasty leads to wasteful mistakes

gdy się cowiek śpieszy, to się diabeł cieszy

more haste, less speedwhen one is in a hurry, one often ends up completing a task more slowly

gdyby kózka nie skakała, toby nóżki nie amała

better safe than sorryit is preferable to be cautious

gorączka ota noun

gold fevernoun
fever for gold ore

gold rushnoun
period of feverish migration into an area in which gold has been discovered

gronkowiec ocisty noun

golden staphnoun
bacterium often found on skin and nose

handlarka omem noun

scrap dealernoun

handlarz omem noun

scrap dealernoun

imiesłów czasu przesego noun

past participlenoun
past participle

imiesłów przysy noun

future participlenoun
part of speech

już lepsze znane o, niż dobro, które masz poznać

better the devil you know than the devil you don't knowsomething bad and familiar is better than something bad and unknown

klasa ożoności noun

complexity classnoun

kopalnia ota noun

gold minenoun
very profitable economic venture




koek noun

Valeriana officinalis

Koowski noun


kryminalna przesość noun

criminal recordnoun
a record of past crimes

kura znosząca ote jajka noun

golden goosenoun
something that generates much profit

lasówka otogłowa noun

Seiurus auricapilla

liczba ożona noun

composite numbernoun
number that is the product of two natural numbers other than itself and 1


ground frostnoun
frozen upper level of soil

maskonur otoczuby

tufted puffin

małpa cekokształtna noun

an anthropoid animal

primate of the clade Hominoidea

an ape or monkey

mieć amane serce adjective

grieved and disappointed

mieć ą prasę

have a bad rap

milczenie jest otem

silence is goldenproverb

