Polsčina-Angličtina slovník »

tak znamená v Angličtina

deptak noun

uncovered shopping area

dobrze Ci tak! verb

serve someone rightverb
serves you right!

domek dla ptaków

bird house

bird nest box

nest box

dwunastościan Pentakisa noun

pentakis dodecahedronnoun
Catalan solid

dwutakt noun

two-stroke enginenoun
two-stroke engine

Dzień Świstaka noun

Groundhog Daynoun

fonotaktyka noun

branch of phonology

głuptak noun


sea bird

northern gannetnoun
Morus bassanus

a fool or dunce

hipotaksa noun

syntactic subordination

i tak adverb


as it isadverb

just the sameadverb

i tak dalej

and so forthindicates that a list continues in a similar manner

and so on

etc.and so on


i tak dalej pronoun

what have youpronoun
any of several additional things

i tak i nie

yes and noindicating there is no simple "yes" or "no" answer

i tak źle, i tak niedobrze adjective

damned if one does and damned if one doesn'tadjective
dilemma with bad outcomes

im bardziej się wszystko zmienia, tym bardziej jest tak samo

the more things change, the more they stay the samechange is constant, unavoidable and a fact of life

inne takie

all that jazzeverything else related to something; other similar things



Itaka noun


jak cię widzą, tak cię piszą

fine feathers make fine birdsfine feathers make fine birds

jak go zwał, tak go zwał

six of one, half a dozen of the othertwo alternatives are equivalent or indifferent

jak Kuba Bogu, tak Bóg Kubie

measure for measure

jak sobie pościelesz, tak się wyśpisz

as you make your bed, so you must lie in ityou shall carry the burden of your poor preparation

as you make your bed, so you must lie on it

what goes around comes aroundactions have consequences

jak zwał, tak zwał

tomayto, tomahtoto suggest a distinction without a difference

jaka mać, taka nać

like mother, like daughtera daughter will have traits similar to her mother

jaka matka, taka córka

like mother, like daughtera daughter will have traits similar to her mother

jaka praca, taka płaca

as the work, so the pay

jaki ojciec, taki syn

like father, like sona son will have traits similar to his father

jakie drzewo, taki klin, jaki ojciec, taki syn

like father, like sona son will have traits similar to his father


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