Polsčina-Angličtina slovník »

-ko znamená v Angličtina

początek końca noun

beginning of the endnoun
the point when something starts to end or become worse

pod koniec


pod kontrolą

under controlbeing taken care of

podatek kościelny

church tax

poezja konkretna

concrete poetry

pattern poetry shape poetry

pogonić kota

knock some heads together

pojazd kosmiczny noun

vehicle that flies through space

pokazać na co kogoś stać noun

what someone is made ofnoun

pokazywać na co kogoś stać noun

what someone is made ofnoun

pokryć koszty verb

to pay or discharge (a debt, expense etc.); to meet (the cost of something)

pokrywać koszty verb

to pay or discharge (a debt, expense etc.); to meet (the cost of something)

półka kontynentalna noun

continental shelfnoun
the area of sea around a land mass

Półwysep Kolski

Kola Peninsula

Półwysep Koreański noun

Korean Peninsulanoun

pomidorek koktajlowy noun

cherry tomatonoun
a type of small tomato

ponieść porażkę na końcu verb

fall at the last hurdleverb
to fail near the end of an activity, etc.

ponosić porażkę na końcu verb

fall at the last hurdleverb
to fail near the end of an activity, etc.

postawić na złego konia verb

back the wrong horseverb
to support something or someone unsuccessful

postępujące kostniejące zapalenie mięśni noun

fibrodysplasia ossificans progressivanoun
disease in which fibrous tissue becomes ossified when damaged

powstanie kościuszkowskie

Kościuszko Uprising

pożar w kominie noun

chimney firenoun

prać mózg komu verb

to affect one's mind

prawa kobiet

women's rights

prawda w oczy kole

the truth hurts

problem komiwojażera noun

travelling salesman problemnoun
mathematical problem

program komputerowy

computer programme

program komputerowy noun

a computer program

computer programnoun

projektowanie wspomagane komputerowo noun

computer-aided designnoun
process of design using computers

prom kosmiczny noun

Space Shuttlenoun
a space transportation system

space shuttlenoun
vehicle capable of travelling repeatedly between Earth and outer space

przejazd kolejowo-drogowy noun

level crossingnoun
at-grade crossing

przestrzeń kosmiczna noun

outer spacenoun

area beyond atmosphere of planets

przewaga komparatywna noun

comparative advantagenoun
the ability to produce a particular good at a lower relative opportunity cost than another producer

przewaga konkurencyjna noun

competitive advantagenoun

przy kości


przy kości adjective

euphemism for fat

przyganiał kocioł garnkowi noun

pot calling the kettle blacknoun
situation in which somebody accuses someone else of a fault shared by the accuser


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