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przyganiał kocioł garnkowi, a sam smoli

the pot calling the kettle black

przyjaciel korespondencyjny noun

pen palnoun
friend with whom one communicates using letters

przyjaciółka korespondencyjna noun

pen palnoun
friend with whom one communicates using letters

przystanek kolejowy

railway stop

przywilej korzyści

advantage rule

punkt kontrolny noun

point along a road or on a frontier

video games

rafa koralowa noun

coral reefnoun
mound or hummock of coral

raz kozie śmierć interjection

here goes nothinginterjection
indicates a lack of confidence or certainty

Raz kozie śmierć!

YOLOyou only live once

Republika Komi

Komi Republic

Republika Konga noun

Republic of the Congonoun

Republika Korei noun

Republic of Koreanoun

Republika Kosowa noun

Republic of Kosovonoun
official name of Kosovo

Republika Kostaryki noun

Republic of Costa Ricanoun
official name of Costa Rica

robić korale

make bank

robić w konia verb

wind upverb
to play a prank, to take the mickey or mock

Rosyjski Kościół Prawosławny noun

Russian Orthodox Churchnoun
one of the autocephalous Eastern Orthodox Christian churches

rozchodzić się po kościach adverb

without consequences or penalties

rozejść się po kościach

get off scot-free

rozejść się po kościach adverb

without consequences or penalties

różowe kolory noun

high hopesnoun

rozwiązanie kompromisowe noun

middle groundnoun
compromise position between extremes

Rupiec-Kopeć noun

the fictional dwarf

ruszyć z kopyta verb

hit the ground runningverb
begin an activity immediately and with full commitment

ryba kostna noun

bony fishnoun
bony fish

rzucać na kolana verb

bring to one's kneesverb

rzucić na kolana verb

bring to one's kneesverb

sąd konstytucyjny noun

constitutional courtnoun
court dealing with constitutional law or issues

sala koncertowa noun

concert hallnoun

schować pod korcem verb

hide one's light under a bushelverb
to conceal one’s positive qualities or talents

ściana komórkowa


ściana komórkowa noun

cell wallnoun
thick layer around cells of plants, fungi, and algae

ser kozi noun

goat cheesenoun
cheese produced by goat milk

sieć komputerowa noun

computer networknoun

skafander kosmiczny noun

space suitnoun
system of clothing worn by astronauts when in space

skaner kodów kreskowych noun

barcode readernoun
electronic device

sklepienie kolebkowe noun

barrel vaultnoun

sra i kości noun

skin and bonesnoun
emaciated; very skinny

słoń nadepnął komuś na ucho noun

tin earnoun
inability to appreciate the elements of performed music


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