Polsčina-Angličtina slovník »

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kredyt konsumencki noun

consumer creditnoun
credit for purchase of consumer goods

kredyt konsumpcyjny noun

consumer creditnoun
credit for purchase of consumer goods

kroić w kostkę verb

to cut into small cubes

Królestwo Kongresowe noun

Congress Polandnoun
Polish state established 1815 and ruled by the Russian tsar

królestwo za konia

my kingdom for a horsewillingness to sacrifice anything for something previously unimportant

królówka koroniasta

Amazonian royal flycatcher

Amazonian Royal Flycatcher

kruszyć kopie

ride atilt

run atilt

Księga Koheleta noun

book of the Bible

kto dobrze kocha, ten tęgo bije

spare the rod and spoil the childif one does not discipline a child he or she will never learn respect or humility

kto ma ręce do pracy, ten się naje kołaczy

no pain, no gaindiscomfort is necessary to achieve goals

kto pod kim dołki kopie, sam w nie wpada

he who digs a pit for others, falls in himself

he who digs a pit for others falls in himselfhe who digs a pit for others, falls in himself

kupić kota w worku

buy a pig in a poke

kurek na kościele adjective

wavering or lacking in commitment, certainty, or support

kuweta dla kota noun

kitty litternoun
mixture to provide a soiling area for cats

litter boxnoun
box to provide a soiling area for cats

kwadratura koła

squaring the circle

kwarcowe kocie oko

quartz eye

łacina kościelna

ecclesiastical Latin

łacina kościelna noun

Ecclesiastical Latinnoun
Latin language

ład korporacyjny

corporate governance

łamać kołem verb

break on the wheelverb
to execute by beating

łapa (kotwicy) noun

anchor blade

liczba kolista noun

cyclic numbernoun
integer for which cyclic permutations of the digits are successive integer multiples of the number

lingwistyka komputerowa noun

computational linguisticsnoun
interdisciplinary field dealing with the statistical and/or rule-based modeling of natural language from a computational perspective

linia kolejowa noun

track, consisting of parallel rails

railway linenoun
stretch of track(s) connecting two points and associated infrastructure

lira korbowa

hurdy gurdy

wheel fiddle

lira korbowa noun

stringed instrument

List do Kolosan noun

book of the Bible

List do Koryntian noun

book in the Bible

lista kontrolna noun

list of things to be verified

lot kosmiczny noun

space flightnoun
flight into, from, or through space

mający kocie oczy adjective


manipulacja komórkami instrumentem noun


mat korytarzowy noun

back ranknoun

mechanizm kontroli i równowagi noun

checks and balancesnoun
system for balancing the powers between branches of government


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