Polsčina-Angličtina slovník »

-ko znamená v Angličtina

historia zatacza koło

history repeats itselfTranslations

ile kosztuje determiner

how muchdeterminer
what is the cost/price?

ile to kosztuje?

how much do you chargehow much do you charge?

how much does it costhow much is it?

jajko Kolumba

Columbus' egg

jajko Kolumba noun

egg of Columbusnoun
brilliant idea or discovery that seems simple after the fact

jak babcię kocham

as I live and breatheused to declare the truth of a statement with emphasis

as I live and breatheused to express surprise at an experience one is witnessing

jak dostanę się na dworzec kolejowy?

how do I get to the train stationhow do I get to the train station?

jak kota nie ma w domu, myszy harcują

when the cat's awayPeople take advantage of the absence of authority

Jan Kowalski pronoun

A person or entity whose name one does not remember

Jan Kowalski noun

Joe Averagenoun
hypothetical average or generic individual

Joe Publicnoun
a hypothetical average or generic member of the public

John Doenoun
any unknown or anonymous male person

John Q. Publicnoun
A generic individual; some hypothetical average or ordinary citizen

jeść kolację verb

to eat; to eat dinner or supper

jestem kobietą

I'm a girlI'm a girl

jeżeli to konieczne adverb

if need beadverb
if necessary

język komi noun


język komputerowy noun

computer languagenoun
language associated with computers

język koptyjski noun


język korsykański noun


jodła koreańska

Korean fir

kabel koncentryczny noun

coaxial cablenoun
a transmission line

kał koński noun

road applenoun
road apple

kałamarnica kolosalna noun

colossal squidnoun
Mesonychoteuthis hamiltoni

Kamień Koszyrski noun


kanoniczna koniunkcyjna postać normalna noun

canonical conjunctive normal formnoun

kąt pochylenia koła noun

camber anglenoun

każdy jest kowalem swojego losu

every man is the architect of his own fortuneeach person is the chief cause of their success or failure

King Kong noun

King Kongnoun
a fictional giant ape

klejnoty koronne noun

crown jewelsnoun

klepacz kodu noun

code monkeynoun
a computer programmer

kolana koślawe noun

genu valgumnoun
medical condition

koniec końców

at the end of the dayin summary; ultimately

in the endeventually, finally

when all is said and donein the end

koniec końców adverb

discourse marker

konto wykluczające inne konto noun

contra(accounting) an entry (or account) that cancels another entry

korpus konsularny

consular corps


História vyhľadávania