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afrykański pomór koni

African horse sickness

album koncepcyjny noun

concept albumnoun

aparat kompaktowy

point-and-shoot camera

aparat kompaktowy noun

compact cameranoun
type of camera

artykuły kosmetyczne noun

item used for personal hygiene or grooming

baba z wozu, koniom lżej interjection

good riddanceinterjection
used to indicate that a departure or loss is welcome

badanie kosmosu noun

space explorationnoun
investigation of space

bank komercyjny noun

commercial banknoun
type of bank

bankowość komercyjna noun

commercial bankingnoun
activities of a commercial bank

bawełnica korówka noun

woolly aphidnoun

bawić się w kotka i myszkę

play cat and mouse

bawić się w kotka i myszkę noun

cat and mousenoun
two keeping check on one another

bez komentarza

no comment"official" refusal to relay any further information

no commentrefusal to say the obvious impolite retort

bez końca adverb

in an endless manner

on and onadverb
continuously and tediously

bez kończyn adjective


bez kory adjective

without tree covering

bez kotwicy adjective


bez pracy nie ma kołaczy

no pain, no gaindiscomfort is necessary to achieve goals

bez względu na (kogoś/coś)

even ifirrespective of

białe kołnierzyki noun

white-collar workernoun
type of worker

biedny jak mysz kościelna

poor as a church mousevery poor

błąd komunikacyjny noun

interaction between two parties in which information is/was not communicated as desired

błędne koło

vicious cycle

błędne koło noun

difficult situation

vicious circlenoun

vicious circlenoun
situation in which the response to a problem creates another problem

błona komórkowa noun

cell membranenoun
semipermeable membrane surrounding the cytoplasm of a cell

boczne łko noun

training wheelnoun
one of a pair of small wheels, each attached to one side of a bicycle’s rear wheel to provide support for new riders

bójka pomiędzy kobietami noun

fight between women

brak komuś słów

at a loss for wordshaving nothing to say

brunatna koszula


brunatna koszula noun

a uniformed member of the Nazi party

Buda Koszelewska noun

A city in Belarus

być dla kogoś nie pierwszy raz

not one's first rodeonot the first time one has been in a situation

być dla kogoś nie pierwszyzna

not one's first rodeonot the first time one has been in a situation

być na końcu verb

bring up the rearverb
to be last in a moving line of people

cecha tego, co jest bez kotwicy noun


cecha tego, co jest nie do kochania noun



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