Polsčina-Angličtina slovník »

-gen znamená v Angličtina


-genproducer of something







bank genów noun

gene banknoun
repository of genetic material

dryf genetyczny noun

genetic driftnoun
overall shift of allele distribution in an isolated population

drzewo genealogiczne noun

family treenoun
family tree

dyrektor generalny noun

chief executive officernoun
highest-ranking corporate officer

gubernator generalny noun

commonwealth official

inżynieria genetyczna noun


genetic engineeringnoun
practice or science of genetic modification

Jezioro Genewskie noun

Lake Genevanoun
Lake Geneva in Europe

kod genetyczny noun

genetic codenoun
rules by which the sequence of bases in DNA are translated into the amino acid sequence of proteins

konwencja genewska noun

Geneva Conventionnoun
international treaty

kwas gentyzynowy


5 di- hydroxy- benzoic acid

5 hydroxy- salicylic acid

carboxy- hydroquinone

gentisic acid

mający materiał genetyczny z wielu wirusów adjective


prokurator generalny noun

attorney generalnoun
major government officer

próba generalna noun

dress rehearsalnoun
rehearsal prior to a public spectacle, where all the performers are in costume

remont generalny noun

a major repair, remake, renovation, or revision

sekretarz generalny noun

General Secretarynoun
chief administrator of political parties or organizations

Secretary Generalnoun
chief administrator of an international body

sztab generalny noun

general staffnoun
officers in charge of army

Zatoka Genueńska

Gulf of Genoa

zbyt generalny adjective
