Nederlands-Engels woordenboek »

watje betekenis in Engels

watje substantief

milksop(easily frightened, ineffectual, or weak person)
[UK: ˈmɪlk.sɒp] [US: ˈmɪlk.sɑːp]

swab [swabs](a small piece of soft, absorbent material)
[UK: swɒb] [US: ˈswɑːb]

watje substantief

coward [cowards](a person who lacks courage)
[UK: ˈkaʊəd] [US: ˈkaʊərd]

watje substantief

pussy [pussies](informal: coward)
[UK: ˈpʊ.si] [US: ˈpʊ.si]

wat je zaait zul je oogsten werkwoord

reap what one sows(to receive as a return or reward in the same measure as one’s exertions or intentions)

wat je zaait zul je oogsten phrase

as you sow, so shall you reap(consequences of one’s actions to oneself are in proportion to one‘s good or bad intentions towards others)
[UK: əz juː saʊ ˈsəʊ ʃæl juː riːp] [US: ˈæz ˈjuː ˈsaʊ ˈsoʊ ˈʃæl ˈjuː ˈriːp]

wat je zegt phrase

I know you are but what am I(assertion that an insult made by the party to whom the phrase is directed is actually true of that party)

wat je zegt ben je zelf phrase

I'm rubber, you're gluephrase

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