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fries betekenis in Engels

Fries bijvoeglijk naamwoord

Frisian(of or in the or a Frisian language)
[UK: ˈfrɪ.zɪən] [US: ˈfrɪ.ʒən]

Fries substantief

Frisian(person from the Dutch province of Friesland)
[UK: ˈfrɪ.zɪən] [US: ˈfrɪ.ʒən]

fries substantief

frieze(architecture: space between architrave and cornice)
[UK: friːz] [US: ˈfriːz]

Fries eigennam

Frisian(the Frisian language group)
proper noun
[UK: ˈfrɪ.zɪən] [US: ˈfrɪ.ʒən]

Friesland eigennam

Friesland(province of the Netherlands)
proper noun
[UK: frˈiːslənd] [US: frˈiːslənd]

Frieslands bijvoeglijk naamwoord

Frisian(of or pertaining to the Dutch province of Friesland)
[UK: ˈfrɪ.zɪən] [US: ˈfrɪ.ʒən]

aurifries substantief

orphrey(embroidered ornamental band or border on an ecclesiastical vestment, etc.)
[UK: ˈɔːfri] [US: ˈɔːrfri]

Kleifries substantief

Clay Frisian(Dialect of West Frisian)

Middelfries eigennam

Middle Frisian(the Middle Frisian language)
proper noun

Noordfries bijvoeglijk naamwoord

North Frisian(pertaining to the North Frisians)

Noordfries substantief

North Frisian(person belonging to the North Frisian people)

Noordfries eigennam

North Frisian(Frisian language)
proper noun

Oosterlauwers Fries eigennam

East Frisian(Frisian language)
proper noun

Oostfries eigennam

East Frisian(Frisian language)
proper noun

Oostfries Nedersaksisch eigennam

East Frisian(Low German dialect)
proper noun

Oudfries eigennam

Old Frisian(the Old Frisian language)
proper noun
[UK: əʊld ˈfrɪ.zɪən] [US: oʊld ˈfrɪ.ʒən]

Saterfries eigennam

Saterland Frisian(language)
proper noun

West-Fries eigennam

West Frisian(language spoken in Friesland)
proper noun

Westerlauwers Fries eigennam

West Frisian(language spoken in Friesland)
proper noun

Woudfries substantief

Wood Frisian(Dialect of West Frisian)

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