Fransk-Engelsk ordbok »

-one betyder på engelska

-one nom {f}


(to keep one's ear to the ground) rester à l'écoute nom

ear to the ground(the practice of carefully gathering information)

[from one person] apportez-moi la carte phrase

could I see the menu, please(said to ask for a menu)

[informal and addressing one person; used after a preposition] toi pronoun

thee(Objective case of 'thou')
[UK: ðiː] [US: ˈðiː]

[informal and addressing one person; used before a verb] te pronoun

thee(Objective case of 'thou')
[UK: ðiː] [US: ˈðiː]

[translating "at the end of one's rope"] au bout du rouleau nom

the end of one's rope(the point of having no more options)

casser sa pipe (to break one's smoking) verbe

kick the bucket◼◼◼(to die)
[UK: ˈkɪk ðə ˈbʌkɪt] [US: ˈkɪk ðə ˈbʌkət]

chier dans son froc [to shit in one's pants] verbe

shit a brick◼◼◼(To react strongly in fear)
[UK: ʃɪt ə brɪk] [US: ˈʃiːt ə ˈbrɪk]

connaître comme sa poche (know like one's pocket) verbe

know like the back of one's hand(be intimately knowledgable about)
[UK: nəʊ ˈlaɪk ðə ˈbæk əv wʌnz hænd] [US: ˈnoʊ ˈlaɪk ðə ˈbæk əv wʌnz ˈhænd]

dix de retrouvés (one lost phrase

there are plenty of fish in the sea(there are more opportunities available)

en lâcher un (to let one loose) verbe

break wind◼◼◼(to fart)
[UK: breɪk wɪnd] [US: ˈbreɪk wɪnd]

fais comme chez toi [to one person phrase

make yourself at home◼◼◼phrase

faites comme chez vous [to one person phrase

make yourself at home◼◼◼phrase

il faut se méfier de l’eau qui dort (one must not trust the water that sleeps) phrase

still waters run deep(a person's calm appearance may be misleading)
[UK: stɪl ˈwɔː.təz rʌn diːp] [US: ˈstɪl ˈwɒ.tərz ˈrən ˈdiːp]

lac Onega nom propre

Onega◼◼◼(a lake in Russia)
proper noun

récolter ce que l'on a semé [to get a taste of one's own medicine] nom

taste of one's own medicine(harsh treatment)

scier la branche sur laquelle on est assis (to saw off the branch one is sitting on) [verb] phrase

like turkeys voting for Christmas(of an action: self-defeating or serving to bring about a situation detrimental to the person performing the action)

se mettre le doigt dans l'œil (to put one's finger into the eye) verbe

bark up the wrong tree◼◼◼verb
[UK: bɑːk ʌp ðə rɒŋ triː] [US: ˈbɑːrk ʌp ðə ˈrɒŋ ˈtriː]

se tirer une balle dans le pied (to shoot oneself in the foot) [verb] phrase

like turkeys voting for Christmas(of an action: self-defeating or serving to bring about a situation detrimental to the person performing the action)

sourire jusqu'aux oreilles (smile up to one's ears) verbe

grin like a Cheshire cat(to smile broadly)
[UK: ɡrɪn ˈlaɪk ə ˈtʃe.ʃə(r) kæt] [US: ˈɡrɪn ˈlaɪk ə ˈtʃe.ʃər kæt]

truc ((one's) thing) nom {m}

cup of tea◼◼◼(something of interest)
[UK: kʌp əv tiː] [US: kʌp əv ˈtiː]
