dizionario Italiano-Inglese »

-o significa in inglese

-astro adjective

step-(prefix used to indicate that the person being identified is not a blood relative)
[UK: step] [US: step]

-ata {f}

-ee(forming words meaning a person to whom or a thing to which an action is done)

-ful(as much as can be held)

-ato {m}

-ee(forming words meaning a person to whom or a thing to which an action is done)

-blasto {m}

-blast(an immature cell or tissue)

-cefalia {f}



-centric(having a specified object at the centre)

-cida {m} {f}

-cide(killer of)

-cidio {m}

-cide(killing of)

-cito {m}

-cyte(cell names and classifications)


-coccus(any spherical microorganism)


-colous(having a specified habitat)

-cratica {f}


-cratico {m}


-crazia {f}



-teen(to form numbers 13 - 19)
[UK: ˈtiː.neɪdʒ] [US: ˈtiːn]

-dimensionale adjective

dimensional(having a stated number of dimensions)
[UK: dɪ.ˈmen.ʃn̩əl] [US: ˌdɪ.ˈmen.ʃn̩əl]

-dromo {m}



-s(regular plurals of nouns)

-ectomia {f}

-ectomy(excision of)

-edro {m}

-hedron(solid figure)

-ella {f}


-ello {m}


-emia {f}

-aemia(condition of the blood)


-ing(to form gerunds)

-ene {m}



-ing(to form present participles)


-ence(same as -ance; having the state or condition of)

-enza {f}

-ship(Property or state of being)

-ere participle

[UK: tuː] [US: ˈtuː]

-eria {f}

-ery(place of art, craft or practice)


-esque(in the style of)
[UK: ˈesk] [US: ˈesk]


-ese(forming adjectives and nouns describing things characteristic of a particular place)


-th(used to form the ordinal numeral)


-etic(pertaining to)

-etta {f}


-y(forming diminutive nouns)
[UK: waɪ] [US: ˈwaɪ]


-ee(used to form diminutives)

-etto {m}


-y(forming diminutive nouns)
[UK: waɪ] [US: ˈwaɪ]


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