dizionario Italiano-Inglese »

-a significa in inglese


-loquy(speaking, speech)


-maniac(indicating a person who experiences compulsion)


-mania(indicating a compulsion or obsession)

-manzia {f}

-mancy(specified forms of divination)


-ly(used to form adverbs from adjectives)
[UK: ˈlaɪ] [US: ˈlaɪ]

-mento {m}

-ing(act of doing something)

-metria {f}

-metry(forming nouns relating to measures and measurement)

-metro {m}

-meter(used to form a measuring device)


-morphous(having a specified shape or form)


-nym(type of word or name)

-nomia {f}

-nomy(system of rules, laws, or knowledge about a particular field)


-um(Latinate singular grammatical number suffix)




-oid(suffix meaning similar but not the same)

-oide {m}

-ide(any of a group of several elements)

-ologa {f}

-ologist(alternative spelling of -logist)

-ologia {f}

-ology(branch of learning)

-ologo {m}

-ologist(alternative spelling of -logist)

-one {m}

-on((physics) subatomic particles)


-onimo {m}


-opoli {f}

-gate(component in names of scandals)

-ore {m}

-er((used to form agent nouns) person or thing that does...)
[UK: ɚ] [US: ər]

-orre participle

[UK: tuː] [US: ˈtuː]

-osa {f}

-ous(suffix to form adjectives)


-y(having the quality of)
[UK: waɪ] [US: ˈwaɪ]

-oso {m}

-ous(suffix to form adjectives)





-penia {f}



-plegic( of -plegia)



-polio {m}

-poly(pertaining to the number of sellers in a market)

-rà verb

will [willed, willed, willing, wills](indicating future action)
[UK: wɪl] [US: wɪl]

-rai verb

will [willed, willed, willing, wills](indicating future action)
[UK: wɪl] [US: wɪl]

-ranno verb

will [willed, willed, willing, wills](indicating future action)
[UK: wɪl] [US: wɪl]

-remo verb

will [willed, willed, willing, wills](indicating future action)
[UK: wɪl] [US: wɪl]

-rete verb

will [willed, willed, willing, wills](indicating future action)
[UK: wɪl] [US: wɪl]



-scopio {m}

-scope(suffix to name viewing instruments)


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