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guerra înseamnă în Engleză

buque de guerra noun

man-of-war [men-of-war](powerful armed naval vessel)
[UK: ˌmæn əv ˈwɔː(r)] [US: ˌmæn əv ˈwɔːr]

warship(ship built or armed for naval combat)
[UK: ˈwɔː.ʃɪp] [US: ˈwɔːr.ˌʃɪp]

ciberguerra noun

cyberwarfare(warfare taking place on the Internet)

consejo de guerra noun

court martial(court; council of war)
[UK: ˈkɔːt.ˈmɑː.ʃəl] [US: ˈkɔːt.ˈmɑː.ʃəl]

corresponsal de guerra noun

war correspondentnoun
[UK: wɔː(r) ˌkɒ.rɪ.ˈspɒn.dənt] [US: ˈwɔːr ˌkɔː.rə.ˈspɑːn.dənt]

crimen de guerra noun

war crime [war crimes](offense for violations of the law of war)
[UK: wɔː(r) kraɪm] [US: ˈwɔːr ˈkraɪm]

criminal de guerra noun

war criminal(person guilty of war crimes)
[UK: wɔː(r) ˈkrɪ.mɪn.l̩] [US: ˈwɔːr ˈkrɪ.mən.l̩]

de posguerra adjective

postbellum(of the period following a war)
[UK: ˈpəʊst.ˈbe.ləm] [US: ˈpəʊst.ˈbe.ləm]

declaración de guerra noun

declaration of war(a formal announcement by an entity that it is in a state of war with another entity)
[UK: ˌde.klə.ˈreɪʃ.n̩ əv wɔː(r)] [US: ˌde.klə.ˈreɪʃ.n̩ əv ˈwɔːr]

declarar la guerra verb

declare war(initiate a state of war)
[UK: dɪ.ˈkleə(r) wɔː(r)] [US: dɪ.ˈkler ˈwɔːr]

delito de guerra noun

war crime [war crimes](offense for violations of the law of war)
[UK: wɔː(r) kraɪm] [US: ˈwɔːr ˈkraɪm]

en guerra preposition

at warpreposition
[UK: ət wɔː(r)] [US: ət ˈwɔːr]

en la guerra y en el amor todo vale phrase

all's fair in love and war(unpleasant behavior is acceptable during love and conflict)
[UK: ˈɒlz feə(r) ɪn ˈlʌv ənd wɔː(r)] [US: ˈɒlz ˈfer ɪn ˈlʌv ænd ˈwɔːr]

en pie de guerra preposition

on the warpath(very angry or upset)
[UK: ɒn ðə ˈwɔː.pɑːθ] [US: ɑːn ðə ˈwɔːr.ˌpæθ]

en pie de guerra noun

war footingnoun

Enguerrán proper noun

Ingram(male given name)
proper noun
[UK: ˈɪŋ.ɡrəm] [US: ˈɪŋ.ɡrəm]

Gran Guerra Patria proper noun

Great Patriotic War(the war between the USSR and Nazi Germany between 1941 and 1945)
proper noun

Gran Guerra Patriótica proper noun

Great Patriotic War(the war between the USSR and Nazi Germany between 1941 and 1945)
proper noun

grito de guerra noun

battle cry(something the troops yell out when going to war or battle)
[UK: ˈbæt.l̩ kraɪ] [US: ˈbæt.l̩ ˈkraɪ]

hacer la guerra verb

war [warred, warring, wars](to engage in conflict)
[UK: wɔː(r)] [US: ˈwɔːr]

hombre de guerra noun

man-of-war [men-of-war](man fighting in a war, see also: soldier; warrior)
[UK: ˌmæn əv ˈwɔː(r)] [US: ˌmæn əv ˈwɔːr]

infoguerra noun

information warfare(use of information in pursuit of an advantage over an opponent)

ir a la guerra verb

go to war(enter armed conflict)

juego de guerra noun

war gamenoun
[UK: wɔː(r) ɡeɪm] [US: ˈwɔːr ˈɡeɪm]

La Guerra de las galaxias proper noun

Star Wars(Saga)
proper noun
[UK: stɑː(r) wɔːz] [US: ˈstɑːr ˈwɔːrz]

memorial a la guerra noun

war memorial(commemorial monument)
[UK: wɔː(r) mɪ.ˈmɔː.rɪəl] [US: ˈwɔːr mə.ˈmɔː.riəl]

neurosis de guerra noun

shell shock(psychiatric condition characterized by fatigue caused by battle)
[UK: ʃel ʃɒk] [US: ˈʃel ˈʃɑːk]

periodo de entreguerras adjective

interwar(relating to the time between two wars)

Primera Guerra Mundial proper noun

World War I(war)
proper noun
[UK: wɜːld wɔː(r) ˈaɪ] [US: ˈwɝːld ˈwɔːr ˈaɪ]

prisionera de guerra noun

prisoner of war(combatant or soldier captured by an enemy power during or immediately after an armed conflict)
[UK: ˈprɪz.nə(r) əv wɔː(r)] [US: ˈprɪ.zə.nər əv ˈwɔːr]

prisionero de guerra noun

prisoner of war(combatant or soldier captured by an enemy power during or immediately after an armed conflict)
[UK: ˈprɪz.nə(r) əv wɔː(r)] [US: ˈprɪ.zə.nər əv ˈwɔːr]

reparaciones de guerra noun

war reparations(compensation to cover war damages)

Segunda Guerra Mundial proper noun

World War II(war from 1939 to 1945)
proper noun
[UK: wɜːld wɔː(r) tuː] [US: ˈwɝːld ˈwɔːr tuː]

señor de la guerra noun

warlord(high military officer in a warlike nation)
[UK: ˈwɔː.lɔːd] [US: ˈwɔːr.ˌlɔːrd]

simulacro de guerra noun

war gamenoun
[UK: wɔː(r) ɡeɪm] [US: ˈwɔːr ˈɡeɪm]

Tercera Guerra Mundial proper noun

World War III(hypothetical world war (World War III))
proper noun
[UK: wɜːld wɔː(r) θriː] [US: ˈwɝːld ˈwɔːr θriː]

tiempo de guerra noun

wartime(period of a war)
[UK: ˈwɔː.taɪm] [US: ˈwɔːr.ˌtaɪm]

zona de guerra noun

war zone(region of ongoing war)


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