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vietnam înseamnă în Engleză

Vietnam proper noun

Vietnam(country in Southeast Asia)
proper noun
[UK: ˌvɪet.ˈnɑːm] [US: vi.ˌet.ˈnɑːm]

vietnamez [~, vietnamezi, vietnameză, vietnameze] adjectiv

Vietnamese(of or pertaining to Vietnam)
[UK: ˌvɪet.nə.ˈmiːz] [US: vietna.ˈmiːs]

vietnamez [~, ~i, ~ul, ~ii, ~ului, ~ilor, ~ule, ~ilor] substantiv

Vietnamese(Vietnamese person)
[UK: ˌvɪet.nə.ˈmiːz] [US: vietna.ˈmiːs]

vietnameză [~, vietnameze, vietnameza, vietnamezele, vietnamezei, vietnamezelor, vietnamezo, vietnamezelor] substantiv

Vietnamese(Vietnamese person)
[UK: ˌvɪet.nə.ˈmiːz] [US: vietna.ˈmiːs]

vietnameză proper noun

proper noun
[UK: ˌvɪet.nə.ˈmiːz] [US: vietna.ˈmiːs]

Vietnamul de Sud proper noun

South Vietnam(former Asian country)
proper noun
[UK: saʊθ ˌvɪet.ˈnɑːm] [US: ˈsaʊθ vi.ˌet.ˈnɑːm]

Republica Socialistă Vietnam proper noun

Socialist Republic of Vietnam(official name of Vietnam)
proper noun

Republica Vietnamului de Sud proper noun

Republic of South Vietnam(underground government in South Vietnam)
proper noun