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olimpic înseamnă în Engleză

olimpic [~, olimpici, olimpică, olimpice] adjectiv

Olympian(of or relating to the ancient or modern Olympic Games)
[UK: ə.ˈlɪm.pɪən] [US: oˈlɪm.piən]

Olympic(of or pertaining to the Olympic Games)
[UK: ə.ˈlɪm.pɪk] [US: oˈlɪm.pɪk]

olimpic [~, ~i, ~ul, ~ii, ~ului, ~ilor, ~ule, ~ilor] substantiv

Olympian [Olympians](sportsperson competing in the ancient or modern Olympic Games)
[UK: ə.ˈlɪm.pɪən] [US: oˈlɪm.piən]

olimpică substantiv

Olympian [Olympians](sportsperson competing in the ancient or modern Olympic Games)
[UK: ə.ˈlɪm.pɪən] [US: oˈlɪm.piən]

jocuri olimpice proper noun

Olympic Games(sporting festival held every four or five years in southern Greece)
proper noun
[UK: ə.ˈlɪm.pɪk ɡeɪmz] [US: oˈlɪm.pɪk ˈɡeɪmz]

Jocuri Olimpice proper noun

Olympic Games(international multi-sport event inspired by the ancient festival, see also: Olympics)
proper noun
[UK: ə.ˈlɪm.pɪk ɡeɪmz] [US: oˈlɪm.pɪk ˈɡeɪmz]

Jocurile Olimpice proper noun

Olympics(sport event, see also: Olympic Games)
proper noun
[UK: ə.ˈlɪm.pɪks] [US: oˈlɪm.pɪks]