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nie ma înseamnă în Engleză

nie ma

there be no not

nie ma verb

is not

there isverb
third-person singular simple present indicative form of there be

nie ma darmowych obiadów

there's no such thing as a free lunchnothing is free; everything has a price

nie ma dymu bez ognia

no smoke without firegossip and accusations are often substantiated by fact

where there's smoke, there's fireif there is a hint of something occurring it could indeed be true, but rumors should be handled with skepticism

nie ma mowy

not an option

nie ma mowy interjection

no wayinterjection
absolutely not

nie ma mowy adjective

out of the questionadjective
not remotely possible

nie ma o czym mówić

don't mention itit is too trivial to warrant thanks

nie ma problemu interjection

no probleminterjection
it does not pose a problem

nie ma róży bez kolców

every rose has its thorns

no rose without a thorn

no rose without thorns

nie ma sprawy interjection

no probleminterjection
it does not pose a problem

no probleminterjection
no thanks or apology is necessary

nie ma tego złego, co by na dobre nie wyszło

every cloud has a silver liningin every bad situation there is an element of good

nie ma za co

don't mention itit is too trivial to warrant thanks

you're welcomereply to thanks

nie ma za co interjection

no probleminterjection
no thanks or apology is necessary

not at allinterjection
conventional reply to expression of gratitude

sure thing(informal) a reply to thank you

nie ma znaczenia

it doesn't matterit doesn't matter

nie ma żartów

no laughing matter

nie ma żywej duszy

not a soul in sight

nie mający wielu wektorów własnych adjective


nie mam całego dnia

I don't have all dayyou want someone to do something faster

nie mam pieniędzy

I have no moneyI have no money

nie mam zielonego pojęcia verb

have the foggiestverb
"I haven't the foggiest": [[I don't know]]

nie marnuj, a nie będziesz w potrzebie

waste not, want not

nie martw się

don't worryindicates to the interlocutor not to worry about something

nie martwić się na zapas verb

cross that bridge when one comes to itverb
deal with something only when it arises

niemagnetyczny adjective

not magnetic

niemający związku adjective


niemal adverb

nearly, approximately


almost(measure theory, probability theory)

very close to

almost completely

niemalże adverb

very close to


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