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-ś înseamnă în Engleză

najstarszy zawód świata noun

world's oldest professionnoun
euphemism for prostitution

naoczny świadek noun

a person who, although present at some event, does not take part in it; an observer or spectator

person who has seen and can testify about an event

naprawiać świat verb

set the world to rightsverb

naprawić świat verb

set the world to rightsverb

nauka ścisła noun

hard sciencenoun

nie wszystko złoto, co sświeci

all that glitters is not goldthings that appear valuable or worthwhile might not actually be so

nie z tego świata adjective

out of this worldadjective

nie śmiejący s adjective


nie śmierdzieć groszem verb

not have a pot to piss inverb

nie śpieszyć s verb

take one's timeverb
go about something slowly and carefully

niebieski ekran śmierci noun

blue screen of deathnoun
screen indicating a system error

niech stanie sświatłość

let there be lightlet there be light

niech to dunder świśnie

damn it

nieumyślne spowodowanie śmierci noun

act of killing unlawfully

nowy porządek świata

new world order

nowy porządek świata noun

New World Ordernoun
conspiracy theory

Nowy Świat noun

New Worldnoun
the Americas and Oceania

obrzęk śluzowaty noun

form of edema

obrączka ślubna

wedding band

obrączka ślubna noun

wedding ringnoun
a ring symbolizing marriage

obywatel świata noun

citizen of the worldnoun
person who takes the view that they belong to no particular country or state

obywatelka świata noun

citizen of the worldnoun
person who takes the view that they belong to no particular country or state

obóz śmierci noun

death campnoun

ochrona środowiska noun

environmental protectionnoun
protecting the environment

od zmierzchu do świtu

from dusk to dawnfrom sunset to sunrise

od świtu do zmierzchu

from dawn to duskfrom sunset to sunrise

oficer śledczy noun

police officer who looks for evidence

ogień śmieciowy noun

fire resulting from trash burning

ognie świętego Elma

Saint Elmo's fire

ognie świętego Elma noun

St. Elmo's firenoun
electrical discharge

okno na świat

window on the world

window onto the world

window to the world

okres świąteczny noun

Christmas seasonnoun
Christmas season, yuletide, Christmastide

opad śniegu noun

collective precipitation

instance of falling of snow

Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski noun

Ostrowiec Świętokrzyskinoun
town in Poland

owca śnieżna noun

Dall sheepnoun
species of wild sheep

pada śnieg

it's snowingit's snowing


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