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it înseamnă în Poloneză

it pronoun
impersonal pronoun, used without referent



it pronoun



it pronoun
subject of impersonal statement



it pronoun
subject — inanimate thing



it noun
The person who chases others in the game of tag


it ain't over 'til the fat lady sings there are more developments yet to come

dopóki piłka w grze, wszystko jest możliwe

it be necessary


it be necessary to


it be possible


it can't be helped it is inevitable

nic się z tym nie da zrobić

it depends it depends

to zależy

it doesn't matter it doesn't matter

nie ma znaczenia


it goes without saying


it happens worrying is not necessary

zdarza się

it is a well-known fact it is a common knowledge


it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God proverb

łatwiej jest wielbłądowi przejść przez ucho igielne, niż bogatemu wejść do królestwa niebieskiego

it is easy to find a stick to beat a dog the one who wants to blame someone can always find an error in him/her

jak się chce psa uderzyć, kij się znajdzie

it is not the beard that makes the philosopher

broda mędrcem nie czyni

it is what it is this thing has its own nature

jest jak jest

it is worth


it never rains but it pours unfortunate events occur in quantity

nieszczęścia chodzą parami

it takes all kinds to make a world Diversity is essential

na świecie różnie bywa

it takes one to know one an insult which is true about both the sender and the receiver

swój swojego zawsze pozna

it takes two to tango some things need the active cooperation of two parties

do tanga trzeba dwojga

it was delicious phrase said to compliment a meal after eating it

był przepyszny

it's a deal


it's a small world phrase used when meeting an acquaintance or personal connection in an unexpected place or context

jaki ten świat mały

it's all Chinese to me

po chińsku

it's all Greek to me I don’t understand any of it

to dla mnie chińszczyzna

it's an emergency it's an emergency

to jest pilne

to nagły wypadek

it's better to give than to receive

więcej szczęścia jest w dawaniu aniżeli w braniu

it's cold outside it's cold outside (weather)

jest chłodno na dworze

jest chłodno na polu

it's easy to be wise after the event

mądry Polak po szkodzie