Italiană | Engleză |
incontro preposition | toward(in the direction of) |
incontro noun | meeting [meetings](encounter between people) |
incontro noun {m} | arrangement [arrangements](manner of being arranged) date [dates](pre-arranged social meeting) fight [fights](occasion of fighting) gathering [gatherings](get-together, social function) match [matches](sporting event) tryst [trysts](prearranged meeting, now especially between lovers) |
incontro noun {m}; Scontro {m} | brush [brushes](short experience) |
incontro al vertice noun | summit [summits](gathering of leaders) |
incontrollabile adjective | uncontrollable(not able to be controlled, contained or governed) unverifiable(Not capable of being verified, confirmed, checked or proven) |
incontrollato adjective | uncontrolled(not controlled) |
incontrovertibile adjective | incontrovertible(not capable of being denied, challenged, or disputed; closed to questioning) |
incontrovertibilmente adverb | incontrovertibly(in incontrovertible manner) |
in controluce preposition | in silhouette(as a silhouette) |
disturbo da alimentazione incontrollata noun | binge eating disorder [binge eating disorders](medical disorder) |