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york înseamnă în Engleză

York nom propre

York◼◼◼(city in North Yorkshire)
proper noun
[UK: jɔːk] [US: ˈjɔːrk]
I live in New York. = J'habite à New York.

Yorkshire nom propre

Yorkshire◼◼◼(former large county)
proper noun
[UK: ˈjɔːk.ʃə(r)] [US: ˈjɔːrk.ʃər]

Yorkshire de l'Ouest nom propre

West Yorkshire◼◼◼(county)
proper noun

Yorkshire du Sud nom propre

South Yorkshire◼◼◼proper noun

New York nom propre

New York◼◼◼(state)
proper noun

New York City◼◼◻(large city in the USA)
proper noun

New-Yorkais nom {m}

New Yorker [New Yorkers]◼◼◼(a native or resident of New York City)

new-yorkais adjectif

New Yorkian(of or relating to New York)

New-Yorkaise nom {f}

New Yorker [New Yorkers]◼◼◼(a native or resident of New York City)

North York nom propre

North York◼◼◼(district in Toronto)
proper noun

Ville de New York nom {f}

New York City◼◼◼(large city in the USA)
proper noun

État de New York nom propre

New York◼◼◼(state)
proper noun

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