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tirade înseamnă în Engleză

tirade nom {f}

tirade◼◼◼(long, angry or violent speech)
[UK: taɪ.ˈreɪd] [US: taɪ.ˈreɪd]
He launched into a tirade about how the government is encroaching on his rights. = Il s'est lancé dans une tirade à propos de la manière dont le gouvernement empiète sur ses droits.

tirade◼◼◼(section of verse concerning a single theme)
[UK: taɪ.ˈreɪd] [US: taɪ.ˈreɪd]
He launched into a tirade about how the government is encroaching on his rights. = Il s'est lancé dans une tirade à propos de la manière dont le gouvernement empiète sur ses droits.

screed [screeds](speech or piece of writing which contains angry and extended criticism, see also: diatribe; harangue)
[UK: skriːd] [US: ˈskriːd]
Over the course of his screed, Putin claimed that Ukraine is a historic accident. = Au cours de sa longue tirade, Poutine a affirmé que l'Ukraine était un accident de l'histoire.

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