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plaine înseamnă în Engleză

plaine nom

plain [plains]◼◼◼(an expanse of land with relatively low relief)
[UK: pleɪn] [US: ˈpleɪn]
The beasts ran through the plain. = Les bêtes couraient à travers la plaine.

plaine nom {f}

lowland [lowlands]◼◼◻(area which is lower than surroundings)
[UK: ˈləʊ.lənd] [US: ˈloʊ.lənd]
The Dutch used windmills to pump water out of the lowlands and reclaim land. = Les Hollandais utilisaient des moulins à vent pour pomper l'eau des plaines et gagner des terres.

plaine alluviale nom {f}

alluvial plain◼◼◼(plain formed by deposition of sediment of a river)

plaine du Pô nom {f}

Po valley◼◼◼(large plain in northern Italy)
proper noun

pénéplaine nom {f}

peneplain◼◼◼(low plain)
[UK: ˈpiː.nɪ.pleɪn] [US: ˈpiː.nə.ˌpleɪn]

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