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amnistie înseamnă în Engleză

amnistie nom

amnesty [amnesties]◼◼◼(act of the sovereign power)
[UK: ˈæm.nə.sti] [US: ˈæm.nə.sti]
Amnesty International often organizes public protests in support of political prisoners. = Amnistie internationale organise souvent des manifestations en soutien aux prisonniers politiques.

amnistie nom {f}

amnesty [amnesties]◼◼◼(forgetfulness)
[UK: ˈæm.nə.sti] [US: ˈæm.nə.sti]
Amnesty International often organizes public protests in support of political prisoners. = Amnistie internationale organise souvent des manifestations en soutien aux prisonniers politiques.

amnistier verbe

amnesty◼◼◼(to grant a pardon (to a group))
[UK: ˈæm.nə.sti] [US: ˈæm.nə.sti]
Amnesty International often organizes public protests in support of political prisoners. = Amnistie internationale organise souvent des manifestations en soutien aux prisonniers politiques.

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