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land înseamnă în Suedeză

Switzerland (sovereign country)
proper noun
[UK: ˈswɪt.sə.lənd]
[US: ˈswɪt.sər.lənd]

Schweizproper noun
Did they visit Switzerland? = Besökte de Schweiz?

Thailand (country in Southeast Asia)
proper noun
[UK: ˈtaɪ.lænd]
[US: ˈtaɪ.ˌlænd]

Thailandproper noun

Thousand Island dressing (salad dressing)

Rhode islandsåssubstantiv

thyroid gland [thyroid glands] (large butterfly-shaped endocrine gland)
[UK: ˈθaɪrɔɪd ɡlænd]
[US: ˈθaɪ.rɒjd ˈɡlænd]

sköldkörtel [~n ~körtlar]substantiv


Turks and Caicos Islands (a British overseas territory in the Caribbean)
proper noun

Turks and Caicos Islandsproper noun

Turks- och Caicosöarnaproper noun

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland proper noun

Förenade kungariket Storbritannien och Irlandproper noun

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland proper noun
[UK: ju.ˈnaɪt.ɪd ˈkɪŋ.dəm əv ˈɡreɪt ˈbrɪt.n̩ ənd ˈnɔː.ðən ˈaɪə.lənd]
[US: ju.ˈnaɪt.əd ˈkɪŋ.dəm əv ˈɡreɪt ˈbrɪt.n̩ ænd ˈnɔːr.ðərn ˈaɪər.lənd]

Förenade konungariket Storbritannien och Nordirlandproper noun

upland sandpiper (Bartramia longicauda)


US Virgin Islands (islands)
proper noun

Amerikanska Jungfruöarnaproper noun

Virgin Islands (archipelago)
proper noun
[UK: ˈvɜː.dʒɪn ˈaɪ.ləndz]
[US: ˈvɝː.dʒən ˈaɪ.ləndz]

Jungfruöarnaproper noun

wasteland [wastelands] (barren and uninteresting place)
[UK: ˈweɪst.lænd]
[US: ˈweɪˌst.lænd]

ödemark [~en ~er]substantiv

wasteland [wastelands] (region with no remaining resources; desert)
[UK: ˈweɪst.lænd]
[US: ˈweɪˌst.lænd]

öken [öknen öknar]substantiv


Westman Islands (archipelago off the south coast of Iceland)
proper noun

Västmannaöarnaproper noun

wetland [wetlands] (land that is covered mostly with water, with occasional marshy and soggy areas)
[UK: ˈwet.lənd]
[US: ˈweˌt.lænd]

våtmark [~en ~er]substantiv

Zealand (Danish island)
proper noun
[UK: ˈziː.lənd]
[US: ˈziː.lənd]

Själlandproper noun

Zealandic (Danish variety)
proper noun

själländskaproper noun

Zeeland (province)
proper noun
[UK: ˈziː.lənd]
[US: ˈziː.lənd]

Zeelandproper noun

Zeelandic (language)
proper noun

zeeländskaproper noun


Istoricul cautarilor