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you înseamnă în Poloneză

see you later goodbye



pa pa

see you soon interjection

do zobaczeniainterjection

na razieinterjection

see you tomorrow see you tomorrow

do jutra

shame on you interjection
expression of disapproval

jak ci nie wstydinterjection

shove it up your ass verb
exclamation of contempt (vulgar)

chuj ci w dupęverb

wsadź to sobie w dupęverb

so that you


tag, you're it


thank you interjection
an expression of gratitude


thank-you noun


thank you very much interjection
greater gratitude than "thank you"

dziękuję bardzointerjection

thanks for your help thanks for your help

dzięki za twoją pomoc

dziękuję za pomoc

that's not your problem

niech cię głowa o to nie boli

the night is young it's not very late

Jeszcze jest wcześnie (o porze dnia)

there you go you have done it, or are doing it, correctly

dobrze robisz

there you have it that is it, that is the situation or state of things

taka jest sprawa

tip you're it


to your health

na zdrowie

what are you doing what are you doing

co Pan robi?

co Pani robi?

co robisz?

what do you know what a surprise

no proszę!

what do you mean what do you mean? (request for clarification)

co masz na myśli

o co chodzi

what do you say used to ask someone if they are willing to do something

co ty na to?

what do you say used to remind a child to say a polite expression

co powiesz?

what doesn't kill you makes you stronger hardship builds moral character

co cię nie zabije, to cię wzmocni

what have you pronoun
any of several additional things

i tak dalejpronoun

what is your name what is your name?

jak ma Pan na imię?

jak ma Pani na imię?

jak masz na imię?

jak się nazywasz?

jak się Pan nazywa?

jak się Pani nazywa?

what kind of music do you like what kind of music do you like?

jaka ci się podoba muzyka?

jaką muzykę lubisz?