dicţionar Englez-Polonez »

you înseamnă în Poloneză

how do you mean a request for clarification of what the listener just said

co masz na myśli?

how do you pronounce this word how do you pronounce this word?

jak się wymawia to słowo?

jak wymówić to słowo?

how do you say … in English request for translation into English

jak się mówi … po angielsku?

how do you spell this word how do you spell this word?

jak się pisze to słowo?

how many languages do you speak how many languages do you speak?

ile znasz języków?

how many siblings do you have how many siblings do you have?

ile masz rodzeństwa?

how much do I owe you how much do I owe you?

ile jestem ci winien?

ile wiszę?

how much do you charge how much do you charge?

ile to kosztuje?

ile za to bierzesz?

how old are you what is your age in years

ile ma Pan lat?

ile ma Pani lat?

ile masz lat?

I beg your pardon



wypraszam sobie

I hate you expression of intense dislike

nienawidzę cię

nienawidzę ciebie

I kid you not

nie żartuję

I know you are but what am I assertion that an insult made by the party to whom the phrase is directed is actually true of that party

chyba ty

I like you I like you

lubię cię

podobasz mi się

I love you affirmation of affection or deep caring

kocham cię

I love you affirmation of romantic feeling

kocham cię

I love you platonic expression of inclination or liking

kocham cię

I miss you I miss you

brakuje mi ciebie

tęsknię za tobą

I told you I told you

mówiłem ci

I told you so told you so!

a nie mówiłem

I'd like to kiss you I'd like to kiss you

chciałbym ciebie pocałować

I'm fine, thank you expected, polite response to How are you?

dziękuję, dobrze

I'm in love with you declaration of romantic feeling

jestem w tobie zakochana

jestem w tobie zakochany

if I were you advice introduction

na twoim miejscu

if you ask me

moim zdaniem

według mnie

if you know what I mean used to allude to something unsaid or hinted at

jeśli wiesz, co mam na myśli

if you say so interjection
conveying the speaker does not agree

skoro tak mówiszinterjection

in his her youth

za młodu