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withstand (withstood, withstood) înseamnă în Maghiară

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ellenáll (ellenállt, ellenállt)
withstand [withstood, withstood, withstanding, withstands] irregular verb
[UK: wɪð.ˈstænd]
[US: wɪð.ˈstænd]

ellenáll (eredményesen)◼◼◼igeDoes this house withstand earthquakes? = Ez a ház ellenáll a földrengéseknek?

ellenáll (valakinek)◼◼◼igeDoes this house withstand earthquakes? = Ez a ház ellenáll a földrengéseknek?


withstand the test of time [UK: wɪð.ˈstænd ðə ˈtest əv ˈtaɪm]
[US: wɪð.ˈstænd ðə ˈtest əv ˈtaɪm]

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