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romans înseamnă în Franceză

Romans (30th sura of the Qur'an)
proper noun
[UK: ˈrəʊ.mənz]
[US: ˈroʊ.mənz]

Romains◼◼◼nom propre
Romans, go home! = Romains, rentrez chez vous !

Romans (book of the Bible)
proper noun
[UK: ˈrəʊ.mənz]
[US: ˈroʊ.mənz]

Romains◼◼◼nom propre
Romans, go home! = Romains, rentrez chez vous !

Roman [Romans] (a native or resident of Rome)
[UK: ˈrəʊ.mən]
[US: ˈroʊ.mən]

Romain◼◼◼nom {m}Romans, go home! = Romains, rentrez chez vous !

Romaine◼◼◼nom {f}I am a Roman citizen. = Je suis citoyenne romaine.

Romansch (the Romance language)

romanche◼◼◼nom {m}

Roman shade (type of window shade)

store romain◼◼◼nom {m}

bildungsroman [bildungsromans] (a type of novel)
[UK: bˈɪldəŋsrˌəʊmən]
[US: bˈɪldəŋsrˌoʊmən]

bildungsroman◼◼◼nom {m}

roman d'apprentissage◼◼◻nom {m}

when in Rome, do as the Romans do (behave as those around do)
[UK: wen ɪn rəʊm duː əz ðə ˈrəʊ.mənz duː]
[US: hwen ɪn roʊm ˈduː ˈæz ðə ˈroʊ.mənz ˈduː]

fais comme les Romains◼◼◼phrase

autre pays◼◻◻phrase

autre coutume; à Romephrase

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