Engleză | Franceză |
plan [plans] (set of intended actions) noun [UK: plæn] [US: ˈplæn] | plan◼◼◼nom {m}I have a plan. = J'ai un plan. projet◼◼◼nom {m}He has plans. = Il a des projets. |
plan [plans] (2-dimensional drawing from above) noun [UK: plæn] [US: ˈplæn] | plan◼◼◼nom {m}I have a plan. = J'ai un plan. |
plan [planned, planning, plans] (to intend) verb [UK: plæn] [US: ˈplæn] | prévoir◼◼◼verbeIt was planned. = C'était prévu. penser◼◼◻verbeJohn thought it was a stupid plan. = John pensait que c'était un plan idiot. avoir l'intention◼◼◻verbe |
plan [planned, planning, plans] (to create a plan for) verb [UK: plæn] [US: ˈplæn] | projeter◼◼◻verbeI plan to do it soon. = Je projette de le faire bientôt. |
plan [plans] (technical drawing) noun [UK: plæn] [US: ˈplæn] | schema◼◻◻nom {m} |
plan [plans] (subscription plan) noun [UK: plæn] [US: ˈplæn] | forfait mobilenom {m} |
Planalto slaty antshrike (bird) noun | |
planarian [planarians] (flatworm) noun [UK: plə.ˈne.riən] [US: plə.ˈne.riən] | planaire◼◼◼nom {f} |
planchet [planchets] (coion blank) noun [UK: plˈantʃɪt] [US: plˈæntʃɪt] | flan◼◼◼nom {m} |
Planck's constant [Planck's constants] (constant) noun | constante de Planck◼◼◼nom {f} |
plandemic (planned pandemic) noun | plandémienom {f} |
plane [planes] (airplane) noun [UK: pleɪn] [US: ˈpleɪn] | avion◼◼◼nom {m}I saw a plane. = J'ai vu un avion. |
plane [planes] (math: flat surface extending infinitely in all directions) noun [UK: pleɪn] [US: ˈpleɪn] | plan◼◼◼nom {m} |
plane (of a surface: flat or level.) adjective [UK: pleɪn] [US: ˈpleɪn] | plan◼◼◼adjectif plat◼◼◻adjectif |
plane [planed, planing, planes] (to glide) verb [UK: pleɪn] [US: ˈpleɪn] | planer◼◼◻verbe |
plane [planed, planing, planes] (to smooth with a plane) verb [UK: pleɪn] [US: ˈpleɪn] | raboter◼◼◻verbe |
plane [planes] (deciduous tree) noun [UK: pleɪn] [US: ˈpleɪn] | platane◼◼◻nom {m} |
plane [planes] (a tool) noun [UK: pleɪn] [US: ˈpleɪn] | rabot◼◻◻nom {m}Planes are expensive. = Les rabots sont chers. |
plane angle (angle formed by two intersecting straight lines) noun [UK: pleɪn ˈæŋ.ɡl̩] [US: ˈpleɪn ˈæŋ.ɡl̩] | angle plan◼◼◼nom {m} |
plane geometry (study of figures having parts that lie in a singular plane) noun [UK: ˈpleɪn.dʒɪ.ˈɒ.mɪ.trɪ] [US: ˈpleɪn.dʒɪ.ˈɒ.mɪ.trɪ] | géométrie plane◼◼◼nom {f} |
planer [planers] (large machine tool) noun [UK: ˈpleɪ.nə(r)] [US: ˈpleɪ.nər] | raboteuse◼◼◼nom {f} |
planer [planers] (woodworking tool) noun [UK: ˈpleɪ.nə(r)] [US: ˈpleɪ.nər] | raboteuse◼◼◼nom {f} |
planet [planets] (each of the seven major bodies which move relative to the fixed stars in the night sky) noun [UK: ˈplæ.nɪt] [US: ˈplæ.nət] | planète◼◼◼nom {f}On what planet? = Sur quelle planète ? |
planet [planets] (similar body in orbit around a star) noun [UK: ˈplæ.nɪt] [US: ˈplæ.nət] | planète◼◼◼nom {f}On what planet? = Sur quelle planète ? |
planet [planets] (rocky or gaseous spherical bodies orbiting the Sun) noun [UK: ˈplæ.nɪt] [US: ˈplæ.nət] | planète◼◼◼nom {f}On what planet? = Sur quelle planète ? |
planet gear (gear wheel) noun | planétaire◼◼◼nom {m} |
Planet X (hypothetical planet) proper noun | planète X◼◼◼nom {f} |
planetarium [planetaria] (museum which displays images of space) noun [UK: ˌplæ.nɪ.ˈteə.rɪəm] [US: ˌplæ.nə.ˈte.riəm] | planétarium◼◼◼nom {m}They kissed inside the planetarium. = Ils s'embrassèrent au planétarium. |
planetary (of or relating to planets) adjective [UK: ˈplæ.nɪ.tri] [US: ˈplæ.nə.ˌte.ri] | planétaire◼◼◼adjectifTime was running out for the Earthlings as their planetary environment was in decay. Space travel became a necessity. = Le temps venait à manquer pour les Terriens tandis que leur environnement planétaire était en décomposition. Le voyage spatial devint une nécessité. |
planetary gear (system of gears) noun [UK: ˈplæ.nɪ.tri ɡɪə(r)] [US: ˈplæ.nə.ˌte.ri ˈɡɪr] | train planétaire◼◼◼nom {m} train épicycloïdal◼◼◼nom {m} |
planetary nebula (nebulosity) noun [UK: ˈplæ.nɪ.tri ˈne.bjʊ.lə] [US: ˈplæ.nə.ˌte.ri ˈne.bjə.lə] | nébuleuse planétaire◼◼◼nom {f} |
planetary system noun [UK: ˈplæ.nɪ.tri ˈsɪ.stəm] [US: ˈplæ.nə.ˌte.ri ˈsɪ.stəm] | système planétaire◼◼◼nom {m} |
planetoid [planetoids] (any of several larger astral bodies) noun [UK: ˈplæ.nɪ.tɔɪd] [US: ˈplæ.nɪ.ˌtɔɪd] | planétoïde◼◼◼nom {m} |
planform (shape and layout) noun | forme en plan◼◼◼nom {f} |
plangent (having a loud mournful sound) adjective [UK: ˈplæn.dʒənt] [US: ˈplæn.dʒənt] | retentissantadjectif |