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phoenician înseamnă în Franceză

Phoenician (inhabitant of Phoenicia)
[UK: fə.ˈniː.ʃən]
[US: fə.ˈniː.ʃən]

Phénicien◼◼◼nom {m}Phoenician is very close to Hebrew. = Le phénicien est très proche de l'hébreu.

Phénicienne◼◼◻nom {f}

Phoenician (of, from, or related to the country or civilisation of Phoenicia)
[UK: fə.ˈniː.ʃən]
[US: fə.ˈniː.ʃən]

phénicien◼◼◼adjectifPhoenician is very close to Hebrew. = Le phénicien est très proche de l'hébreu.

Phoenician (Semitic language spoken by the inhabitants of Phoenicia)
proper noun
[UK: fə.ˈniː.ʃən]
[US: fə.ˈniː.ʃən]

phénicien◼◼◼nom propre
Phoenician is very close to Hebrew. = Le phénicien est très proche de l'hébreu.

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