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hindu înseamnă în Franceză

Hindu [Hindus] (religious adherent)
[UK: ˌhɪn.ˈduː]
[US: ˈhɪn.ˌduː]

hindou◼◼◼nom {m}Hindus and Muslims are all brothers. = Les Hindous et les Musulmans sont tous frères.

hindoue◼◼◻nom {f}I found an alcove with a statue of a Hindu deity. = Je trouvai une niche avec une statue d'une divinité hindoue.

indou◼◼◻nom {m}

indoue◼◻◻nom {f}

Hinduism (religion)
proper noun
[UK: ˈhɪn.duːɪ.zəm]
[US: ˈhɪn.dʒuː.ˌɪ.zəm]

hindouisme◼◼◼nom propre

indouisme◼◻◻nom propre

Hinduphobic (dislike or hatred of Hinduism)


Hindustan (alternative name for India, see also: India)
proper noun
[UK: ˈhɪn.duː.ˌstæn]
[US: ˈhɪn.duː.ˌstæn]

Hindustan◼◼◼nom propre

Hindustan (northern region of India)
proper noun
[UK: ˈhɪn.duː.ˌstæn]
[US: ˈhɪn.duː.ˌstæn]

Hindustan◼◼◼nom propre

Hindustani (language)
proper noun
[UK: ˌhɪn.dʊ.ˈstɑː.ni]
[US: ˌhɪn.dʊ.ˈstɑː.ni]

hindoustani◼◼◼nom propre

I'm Hindu (indicates that the speaker is Hindu)

je suis hindou◼◼◼phrase

je suis hindoue◼◼◻nom {f}

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