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emergency department(healthcare) a department of a hospital

القَصَبَة الهَوَائِيَّة

bronchusEither or two branches of the trachea

اللَّوَاتِي f-p

whowho (relative pronoun)

الوَادِي الكَبِير m

Guadalquivirriver in southern Spain

الْأُوكِينَاوَا f


الْبُوسْنَة وَالْهَرْسَك f

Bosnia and Herzegovinaid=Q225|country on the Balkan peninsula

الْعَرْض وَالْطَلَب m

supply and demandeconomic model of pricing

الْقَيْرَوَان f


الْمَمْلَكَة الْحَيَوَانِيَّة f

animal kingdomRegnum Animalia

الْوَادِي m

valleyelongated depression between hills or mountains


umbrellaanything that provides protection

اَلبَاتْوَا الْجَامَايْكِيَّة

Jamaicancreole language

اَلتَّصْمِيمُ الْمُسْتَجِيبُ لِمَوَاقِعِ الْوَيبْ m

responsive web designresponsive web design

اَللَّوَاتِي f-p


whomrelative pronoun (object)

whoseof whom (relative)

اَلنَّسْر اَلْوَاقِع

Vegaid=Q3427|the brightest star in the constellation Lyra

اَلْأَلْف وَالْيَاء

alpha and omegathe first and the last

اَلْجَلْاَء وَاَلْقُتْمَة m

chiaroscuroartistic technique using exaggerated light contrasts

اَلْمِطْرَقَة وَالْمِنْجَل

hammer and sicklesymbol of communism

اِبْنُ وَالِدَتِهِ m

mama's boymale overly attached to his mother

اِزْدِوَاجِيَّة لُغَوِيَّة f

diglossiathe coexistence of two closely related native languages

اِسْتِجْوَاب m

interrogationact of interrogating or questioning

اِسْتِوَائِيّ m

equatorialof, near, or relating to the equator

اِضْطِرَاب الْوَسْوَاس الْقَهْرِيّ m

obsessive-compulsive disordermental disorder

اِلْتِوَاء m

sprainact or result of spraining

اِلْتِوَاءَة f

bowgesture made by bending forward at the waist

اِنْطِوَائِيّ m

introvertone who focuses primarily on their own mind, feelings, or affairs

introvertedpsychology: Of or characteristic of an introvert

nerdintellectual, skillful person, generally introverted

بَابْوَا f

Papuathe southern part of Papua New Guinea

بَابْوَا غِينِيَّا الْجَدِيدَة f

Papua New Guineaid=Q691|country in Oceania

بَابْوَا نْيُو غِينِيَّا f

Papua New Guineaid=Q691|country in Oceania

بَارَاجُوَاي f

Paraguayid=Q733|country in South America

بَارَاغُوَاي f

Paraguayid=Q733|country in South America

بَارَاغْوَانِيّ m

Paraguayanperson from Paraguay

بَالَاوَان f


بَعْدَ الزَّوَال

afternoonpart of the day between noon and evening

بَنْدَر سِرِي بِكَاوَان f

Bandar Seri Begawancapital of Brunei

بَنْوَار m

peignoira long outer [[garment]] for women


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