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وَا înseamnă în Engleză


ohexpression of surprise

وَا حَسْرَتَاه

alasexclamation of sorrow, etc.

وَابِل m

douchea jet or current of water or vapour directed upon some part of the body to benefit it medicinally

downpourheavy rain

وَاثِق m

confidentbeing very sure of or positive about something


dareto brave or face up to

facedeal with, confront


homeworkwork that is done at home

unavoidableimpossible to avoid

وَاجِب m

dutythat which one is morally or legally obligated to do

obligationact of binding oneself by a social, legal, or moral tie to someone

وَاجِب مَنْزِلِيّ m

homeworkwork that is done at home

وَاجِهَة f

facadeface of a building

interfacepoint of interconnection between entities

وَاحَة f

oasisspring surrounded by fertile area

وَاحِد m

singlenot divided in parts

وَادٍ m

valleyelongated depression between hills or mountains

وَادٍ خِلَالِيّ m

fjordlong, narrow, deep inlet

وَادٍ غَرِيب m

uncanny valleysubtle differences from human behaviour that may cause negative reactions

وَادِي أَوْسْتَا m

Valle d'Aostaregion of northwestern Italy

وَادِي الْحِجَارَة f

Guadalajaracity in Jalisco, Mexico

Guadalajaracity in Spain

وَادِي اَلسِّيلِكُون m

Silicon Valleynickname for region in San Francisco

وَادِي اَلْمُلُوك m

Valley of the KingsEgyptian valley known for its tombs

وَادِي بُو m

Po valleylarge plain in northern Italy

وَارِث m

successornext heir in order or succession

وَارِثَة f

heiressa woman who stands to inherit

successornext heir in order or succession

وَارِدَات p

importsomething brought in from a foreign country

وَارِيك m

Warwickcounty town of Warwickshire

وَارْسُو f

Warsawcapital city of Poland


counterbalanceto apply weight in order to balance

counterbalanceto match or equal in effect when applying opposing force


comfortto provide comfort to|console

consoleto comfort

وَاسِط f


وَاسِطَة f

cronyismfavouritism to friends without regard for their qualifications


وَاسِطِيَّة f

Wasitia person from, or an inhabitant of, Wasit


Wasitiof or pertaining to Wasit