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what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander significado em Português

what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander (if something is acceptable for one person, it is acceptable for another)
[UK: ˈwɒts sɔːs fɔː(r) ðə ɡuːs ɪz sɔːs fɔː(r) ðə ˈɡæn.də(r)]
[US: ˈhwʌts ˈsɒs ˈfɔːr ðə ˈɡuːs ˈɪz ˈsɒs ˈfɔːr ðə ˈɡæn.dər]

dá em Franciscophrase

pau que dá em Chicophrase

Histórico de busca