Arabisk-Engelsk ordbok »

وَثَن betyder på engelska

وَثَن m

graven imagea carved idol or representation of a god used as an object of worship

idolrepresentation of anything revered

وَثَنِيَّة f

heathenperson who does not follow an Abrahamic religion

idolaterone who worships idols

idolatryworship of idols

paganperson not adhering to a main world religion

paganismlocal religions practiced before the introduction of Christianity


heathennot adhering to an Abrahamic religion

paganimmoral, uncivilized, savage

paganrelating to non main world religions

وَثَنِيّ m

heathenperson who does not follow an Abrahamic religion

idolaterone who worships idols

paganperson not adhering to a main world religion
