Arabisk-Engelsk ordbok »

وَاقِع betyder på engelska

وَاقِع m

realityentirety of all that is real

realitystate of being actual or real

وَاقِع اِفْتِرَاضِيّ m

virtual realityvirtual reality


actualitythe state of existing

وَاقِعَة f

episodeincident or action connected with a series of events


factan honest observation

factsomething actual

incidentevent or occurrence


facticityquality or state of being a fact

وَاقِعِيَّة سِيَاسِيَّة f

realpolitikpragmatic international government policy


actualexisting in act or reality, not just potentially

realtrue, genuine, not merely nominal

وَاقِعِيّ m

positivista believer in positivism

positivistrelated to positivism

realistadvocate of artistic realism

realistone who sees things as they are

اَلتَّصْمِيمُ الْمُسْتَجِيبُ لِمَوَاقِعِ الْوَيبْ m

responsive web designresponsive web design

اَلنَّسْر اَلْوَاقِع

Vegaid=Q3427|the brightest star in the constellation Lyra

تِلِفِزْيُون اَلْوَاقِع m

reality televisiontelevision genre