Arabisk-Engelsk ordbok »

وع betyder på engelska

وع وع

waathe sound of a baby crying


awarenessthe state of consciousness

witintellectual ability


weeklyevery week

أُسْبُوع m

weekperiod of seven days

أُسْبُوعَان m-d

fortnightperiod of two weeks


weeklyhappening once a week or every week

weeklyof or relating to a week

إِتِّحَادُ الشَّبِيبَةِ الشُّيُوعِيّ m

KomsomolYoung Communist League in the USSR

التزم بوعودك

walk the talkto act in accordance with one's words

الموضوع، مادة البحث

subject matterobject of thought

الوعي بلا اختيار

choiceless awarenessthe state of unpremeditated, complete awareness of the present without preference, effort, or compulsion

الْغَاز الْمَسِيل لِلْدَمُوع m

tear gaschemical compound

اَلْأُسْبُوع السّابِق m

last weekweek before this one


BoazBiblical character


sewerpipes used to remove human waste and to provide drainage

بَالُوعَة f

cesspoolplace for sewage

drainconduit for liquids

sinkholedepressed area in which water collects

تخثر منتشر داخل الأوعية m

disseminated intravascular coagulationpathological process

تَدْقِيق مَجْمُوع m

checksumnumber serving to detect error

تَضَوُّر جُوعاً m


جمجمة وعظمتان متقاطعتان

skull and crossbonesdepiction of a human skull and two crossed femurs

جَرْبُوع m

gerbilsmall rodent

jerboasmall rodent

جُوع m

hungerneed for food

خُضُوعِيَّة f

masochismthe enjoyment of receiving pain or humiliation

دُرُوع بَشَرِيَّة f-p

human shieldcivilians placed in or around targets

دُمُوع اَلتَّمَاسِيح m-p

crocodile teardisplay of tears that is forced or false

ذهاب وعودة

round tripa trip from one destination to another and then returning to the starting location

ذو نوع راقي وعالي

classyof a superior type

ذِئْبَة حَمَامِيَّة مَجْمُوعِيَّة f

systemic lupus erythematosussystemic autoimmune disease

زَنْبُوع m

pomelolarge fruit of the ''C. maxima'' or ''grandis''


سُطُوع m

brightnessthe quality of being bright

شُيُوعِيَّة f



communistof or relating to communism

communistperson who follows a communist philosophy

شُيُوعِيّ m

communistof or relating to communism