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Watsonsurname, place name

واجا واجا

Wagga Waggacity in New South Wales


interfacecomputing: point of interconnection between systems or subsystems

واجِهَة f

display windowlarge window at the front of a shop

shop windowlarge window at the front of a shop

showcasea setting for displaying something favorably

واحدة بواحدة

quid pro quosomething offered or asked in exchange for something else

وادي الملكات

Valley of the Queens

وادي كاجايان

Cagayan Valleyregion of the Philippines

وادِي دُمُوعٍ m

vale of tearsthe world as the place where difficulties and the sorrows of life are felt


under someone's noseobvious


abundantfully sufficient; plentiful

والدة الإله f

Mother of GodMary, mother of Jesus, as the mother of God or God-bearer|Mary|Theotokos|Our Lady|Queen of Heaven|Virgin Mary

TheotokosMary, mother of Jesus, as God-bearer|Mary|Mother of God

والِدةُ اللهِ

Mother of GodMary, mother of Jesus, as the mother of God or God-bearer|Mary|Theotokos|Our Lady|Queen of Heaven|Virgin Mary


scourgesource of persistent (and often widespread) pain and suffering or trouble

وباء معلوماتي

infodemicexcessive amount of information concerning a problem

وجهة f

destinationthe place set for the end of a journey, or to which something is sent

وحدة تزويد الطاقة

power supplya source of power such as a generator

وحدَة f

onenessstate of being undivided

وحدَة المعالجَة المَرْكَزِيَّة f

central processing unitpart of a computer

وحدَة تعريف المشترك f

Subscriber Identity Modulecomponent on a SIM card that stores information to identify a mobile phone user

وحش السباجيتي الطائر

Flying Spaghetti Monsterspaghetti deity

وحيد القرن الأسود

black rhinoceros''Diceros bicornis''

ودجون أمريكي

American wigeon''Anas americana''


cowrieany member of the genus Cypraea

ورد ياقوتي

eglantine''Rosa eglanteria''

ورق الغار

bay leafherb

ورق زجاج

sandpaperpaper coated with abrasive material

ورق صنفرة m

emery paperabrasive material

ورقة لاصقة f

post-it notea small piece of paper with an adhesive strip on one side

وسخة f

bitchdisagreeable, aggressive person, usually female

وسط لوزون

Central Luzonregion of the Philippines

وشق أيبيري

Iberian lynxLynx pardinus


humbleto make humble or lowly in mind, etc.

وضيع m

vilemorally low


make up one's mindto decide, to reach a conclusion

وع وع

waathe sound of a baby crying


awarenessthe state of consciousness

witintellectual ability