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مَدِينَة جَهَانْغِير

JahangirnagarThe Mughal name (1608–1765) of [[Dhaka]], the capital city of Bangladesh

مَدِينَة جَهَانْكِير

JahangirnagarThe Mughal name (1608–1765) of [[Dhaka]], the capital city of Bangladesh

مَهَارَة f

know-howthe knowledge and skill to be able to do something correctly

skillcapacity to do something well

مُكافَأَة نِهَايَة الْخِدْمَة f

severance paymoney paid to employee as compensation

مُكَافَحَة اَلْإِرْهَاب f

antiterrorismactivity aiming at opposing terrorism

مُكَالَمَة هَاتِفِيَّة f

telephone callconversation

مُهَاجِر m

emigrantsomeone who leaves a country to settle in a new country

immigrantperson who comes to a country to settle

migrantperson moving from one region or country to another

مُهَاجِرَة f

emigrantsomeone who leaves a country to settle in a new country

immigrantperson who comes to a country to settle

migrantperson moving from one region or country to another


attacker(''soccer'') movement of the team in possession of the ball

مُهَاجِم m

assailantan attacker; someone who attacks another violently, or criminally

attackersomeone who attacks

forwardplayer nearest to the opposing soccer team

مُهَاجِم اِنْتِحَارِيّ m

suicide bomberone who carries explosives

مِثْلَهَا f

samesimilar, alike

مِجْهَار m


نَاهَا f

Nahacity in Okinawa, Japan

نَفْسَهَا m

samenot different as regards self; identical


herself(as intensifier) she

نَفْسُهَا f

itself(emphatic) it

itself(reflexive) it

نَهَارُ m

daytimethe time of daylight


diurnalhappening during daylight; primarily active during the day


conclusivepertaining to a conclusion

نِهَايَة f

endextreme part

limitmathematics: value to which a sequence converges

نِهَايَة الْأُسْبُوع f

weekendbreak in the working week

نِهَايَةُ الْعَالَم f

apocalypseend of the world

end of the worldend of the world

نْيُوهَامْشِير f

New HampshireUS state

وَجْهَانِ لِعُمْلَةٍ وَاحِدَةٍ m-d

two sides of the same coin

وُوهَان m

Wuhansub-provincial city in central China

يُشْبِهُهَا f

samesimilar, alike


Yokohamacapital city of Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan

يُوكُوهَامَا f

Yokohamacapital city of Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan

