Arabisk-Engelsk ordbok »

مَوْج betyder på engelska

مَوْج m

wavemoving disturbance, undulation

مَوْجَة S f

shear waveshear wave

مَوْجَة أَلْفْفِين f

Alfvén wavea hydromagnetic shear wave in a charged plasma

مَوْجَة الْمَيْكْرُووِيف f

microwaveelectromagnetic wave

مَوْجَة اَلْحَرّ f

heatwaveperiod of very hot weather

مَوْجَة حامِلة f

carriersignal modulated to transmit information

مَوْجَة دَقِيقَة f

microwaveelectromagnetic wave

مَوْجَة رَادْيُو f

radio waveelectromagnetic radiation

مَوْجَة صَوْتِيَّة f

sound wavelongitudinal wave of pressure transmitted through any plastic material

مَوْجَة صِغْرِيَّة f

microwaveelectromagnetic wave

مَوْجَة مَيْكْرُوِيَّة f

microwaveelectromagnetic wave


existentexisting; having life or being, current; occurring now

existingthat exists

presentin the immediate vicinity

مَوْجُود m

organismliving thing

الْمَوْجَات فَوْقَ الصَّوْتِيَّة f-p


دَالَّة مَوْجِيَّة f

wavefunctionnotion in quantum mechanics

شَكْل مَوْجِيّ


طُول مَوْج m

wavelengththe length of a single cycle of a wave