Arabisk-Engelsk ordbok »

مَه betyder på engelska



مَهَارَة f

know-howthe knowledge and skill to be able to do something correctly

skillcapacity to do something well

مَهَمَّة f

functionprofessional or official position


officeposition of responsibility

مَهَمَّة سَهْلَة f

picnican easy or pleasant task

مَهْبَل m

vaginaanatomical sense

مَهْبِط m


airfieldplace where airplanes can take off and land

landing stripauxiliary or temporary runway for aircraft

مَهْبِل m

vaginaanatomical sense

مَهْجَع m

dormitorybuilding or part thereof



مَهْجُورّ m

abandonedno longer maintained, forsaken, deserted

مَهْد m

cradleoscillating bed for a baby

مَهْر m

dowryproperty or payment given at time of marriage

mahra mandatory gift from the groom to the bride upon marriage in Islamic cultures

مَهْرَجَان m

celebrationsocial gathering for entertainment and fun

festivalevent or community gathering


whateverregardless of the … that; for any … that


hamzated(of Arabic roots) containing a hamza as one of the root letters

مَهْوَا f

mahua''Madhuca longifolia''

مَهْوُوْس m

fiendaddict, fanatic

أَمَه نُو أُوزُومِه f

Ame-no-UzumeJapanese goddess of dawn, joy and springtime

مَا اِسْمَهُ m

what's-his-nameA person or entity whose name one does not remember

مِنَ الْمَهْدِ إِلَى اللَّحْدِ

from the cradle to the grave