Arabisk-Engelsk ordbok »

مَن betyder på engelska

مَنْسُور m

proclamationa statement which is proclaimed


forgottenof which knowledge has been lost, which is no longer remembered

مَنْشَأ f

home countrycountry where a person was born and raised

مَنْشَأ m

originbeginning of something

originsource of a river, information, goods, etc.

مَنْشَرَة f

sawmillmachine, building or company

مَنْشَقَة f

snuffboxsmall box

مَنْشُود m

lyricsthe words to a song

مَنْشُور m

pamphletsmall, brief printed work, consisting either of a folded sheet of paper, or several sheets bound together into a booklet with only a paper cover|booklet

prismtransparent block used to reflect or refract light

prismtype of polyhedron

publicationan issue of printed or other matter

publicationcommunication of information

مَنْشُورِيَا f

Manchuriahistorical region in Northeast Asia


accusativerelated to accusative case

مَنْصُوب m

accusativeaccusative case

مَنْصِب m

positionpost of employment

statusperson’s position or standing


minotaurmonster with the head of a bull and the body of a man



spokenconcerning speech

مَنْطِق m

logicmathematical study

logicmethod of human thought

مَنْطِقَة f

regionany considerable and connected part of a space or surface

مَنْطِقَة⁩ f

zonearea distinguished on the basis of a particular characteristic etc

مَنْطِقِيَّةٌ f

logicalnessthe quality of being logical


logicalin agreement with the principles of logic

logicalof or pertaining to logic

logicianperson who studies or teaches logic

مَنْظَر m

scenethe location of an event that attracts attention

sceneryview, natural features, landscape

sightsomething worth seeing

viewsomething to look at

مَنْظَر طَبِيعِيّ m

landscapeportion of land or territory

sceneryview, natural features, landscape


visibleable to be seen

مَنْظُور m

perspectiveview, vista or outlook

مَنْظُومَة شَمْسِيَّة f

Solar Systemid=Q544|the Sun and all the heavenly bodies that orbit around it


preventionThe act of preventing or hindering

مَنْع m


