Arabisk-Engelsk ordbok »

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السندات الخضراء - سندات المناخ

green bondA fixed-income financial instrument used for supporting programs that have positive environmental and/or climate benefits

العكس من خجول

extrovertedpsychology: of or related to an extrovert


recruiterone employed to recruit others


mangrovetropical tree or shrub that grows in shallow water

تخثر منتشر داخل الأوعية m

disseminated intravascular coagulationpathological process


includeto contain, as part of a whole

تمويل المناخ

climate financeFinancing to counter climate change


Yamunatributary of the Ganges

جهاز تحكم منطقي قابل للبرمجَة

programmable logic controllerprogrammable electronic device

حرق الشمعة من كلتا الجِهَتَين

burn the candle at both endswork hard night and day

حيوان منوي m

spermatozoidmale gamete of certain basal plants

دومنة f


ساكرامنتو m

SacramentoSacramento, the capital city of California

سمن m

clarified buttercooking fat made from butter

سورة المؤمن

Forgiver40th sura of the Qur'an

سورة المنافقون

Hypocrites63rd sura of the Qur'an

سورة المومنون

Believers23rd sura of the Qur'an

عجينة منتفخة f

puff pastrylight, flaky pastry

عفا عليها الزمن

obsoleteno longer in use

غابة المنغروف


قَذَفَ مني الْمَنْي

ejaculateto eject semen or vaginal fluid

كل من ... و ...


كليلَة ودمنَة

Panchatantraa collection of Sanskrit and Pali animal fables in verse and prose



كيمنتس m

Chemnitzcity in Saxony

لا بُدَّ منه

sine qua nonprerequisite

لا ديني، غير مؤمن m

nonbelievera person who does not believe, especially regarding religion

مائي المنشأ

aquageniccaused by contact with water


octagonpolygon with eight sides and eight angles

مستنقع المنغروف


نبذة – مقتطفات من

excerpta clip, snippet, passage or extract from a larger work

نقص المناعة m

immunosuppressionmedical suppression of the immune response

هل من أحد هنا؟

hellois anyone there?

يسمع من الطرفين

hear both sideshear both sides of the argument for fair judgement

يلقي من النافذَة

defenestrateeject from a window